Monday, March 9, 2009


Today the weather was really beautiful and right before practice the sky turned grey and dark clouds started to gather. We all turned up at the field with the cold wind around us and started to warm up. As soon as warm ups were over it started to gently hail and we were all moved indoors for the announcement for this Saturday's game. I didn't make the team. To be honest I could kind of see this coming, I had a shitty trial day and my opponent for the position is on a scholarship at the school so they have an invested interest in him. Nevertheless we were told that we would still play a game next Wednesday against a local team, maybe that will be my chance to pretty much is my only hope if I want to continue to be an active part of the team. If I am cut from the team next week then I will just go and play for one of the country teams, however I hope it does not result in that...the shitty weather definitely represents my feelings and I could not help but imagine the other fullbacks face when we had a 40 minute boxing session after we were told the news...I guess I just have to get faster and stronger, however I am already as fast and 8 kg heavier then my opponent...not to brag but right now I feel like I am getting into some of the best shape of my life. I've been lifting and running hard since I have arrived and my hall mates have already said that I look like I've lost weight however the scale remains the same, I definitly feel leaner and stronger. Anyways I know you all wanted to hear if I made it or not. It's not what I wanted to tell you but it isn't over yet.

1 comment:

  1. Hej min skat.
    Jeg har lige laest din D-day besked. Ja, det var jo noget det er vel ogsaa svaerere, naar de, som siger, har en kandidat, som er paa scholarship. Benjamin, vi kender dig, og du skal nok finde en eller anden maade at komme til at spille med et hold.
    Saa ogsaa de vidunderlige biilleder fra jeres tur./ man kan da ikke sige andet end at ser brandgodt ud paa billederne.
    jeg vil prove at ringe til dig senere.
    1000 kys, Mor
